About theater
In Russian
     " Vertep - A Christmas drama".
Staging - Tatiana Fiedorenko

Directed by - Victor Dragun

Scenography - Evgeniy Masolov and Tatiana Fiedorenko

Traditional national representation which is played on Christmas holidays. Performance is shown at Sunday schools and in museums.

Duration of performance of 35 minutes.
For children from 6 years.
Installation time of scenery of 60 minutes, dismantling of 60 minutes.

Performance took part in festivals:
Since 1999 for 2007 - the Participant of annual festival "Christmas family evenings", Moscow. The winner of festivals.
Since 2000 for 2012 - the Participant of annual festival of theater and music "VERTEP", Kolomna. It is awarded  by the diploma "For preservation of traditions of national puppet theater".
2005 - the Third International theatrical festival "Betleem Lubelskie", Lublin, Poland. It is awarded dy "Angel" prize.
2011 - the Sixth International festival "ANIMO", Kwidzyn, Poland.

Hosted by uCoz